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#1 Beginning your Self transformation journey

May 13, 2020

Something is Changing!

I want to invite you onto a Personal journey of self-reflection-transformation and lifestyle development that begins now. This journey covers many angles and at the same time it brings everything together into an integrated larger world of understanding. This is a private group that is for members only. This is essentially a Private membership association of men seeking to live an enriching and fulfilling life. You are now part of the inner circle of an aligned group of individuals that are exploring the important topics of masculine actualisation and what that means in out modern lives. This study includes a lot of different topics of interests as it is basically an open ended journey of growth and mastery in multiple domains.

Over my years of coaching and adventuring there has always been such a great range of topics and challenges to explore and address. As a high paid international  life coach and men’s self-development mentor for over 13 years, I have taught countless guys around the world. I have spent significant time with many hundreds of these guys as we sat in inner game change sessions and or in live workshops all over the world.

I have become very familiar with the themes and challenges that many guys face. How to know and love yourself, how to express yourself and go for what you want, how to be skilled in key areas that bring great rewards as all topics I have supported men to achieve many times over.

Here is some useful information to help you get primed for this process. Take note I do not agree with all presenters on all matters that are represented here but I think that the ideas contained and the related tools and exercises are useful to consider and will help to set up some good foundations moving forward.

Click here for a 1 hour Documentary on Actualisation.

Click here for a Short video on the power of brain change


At first it may feel very strange to really look at and do the training necessary to understand yourself and your place in the world because it takes some time and space to really become a co-creator of your life and learn new things.

We need to make it a PRIORITY to want to learn and see ourselves and the world in new and more effective ways. It takes dedication and discipline to get habits in place.

And the bad news is that most of us in this fast-paced world feel like we take  5 minutes to appreciate our lives much less consistently practice and work on our self-mastery, and lifestyle design on a consistent basis.  

It’s not always easy to transform your conditioned patterns and we all have our share of perceived responsibilities and distractions to deal with.


What is the ultimate resource? If you are honest with yourself it is Consciousness and it’s manifestation is attention and focus to experience, create, react and relate.  

When you realise just how precious and powerful this opportunity to be conscious is, how amazing it is to have attention and focus and all the amazing things that are possible because of this. You might begin to sense just how powerful and miraculous it is have this life you have. In this miracle of fragile existence. Can you afford to not partake in experiences that enrich your soul every single day? Of course not. So lets set our intentions to be part of the conscious humans living their lives fully.

It Is Time To Enjoy the Moments Spent with Yourself, this world and those your share time with.


Develop the power of focus and relaxation with this simple but powerful breathing technique.

4 Minute Mantra Meditation -Youtube: Practice the mantra when you are going about your day or in meditation.

Resources on Om Mane Padme Om and other mantra Meanings as well as other meditation techniques.

3 Minute 8 Treasures Qigong and Fitness Workout.


Great Spiritual resources to get you feeling good:

Giver Of All Good Gifts - Br. David Steindl-Rast


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