- Koh Phangan Thailand -




SHAE MATTHEWS and a team of specialist coaches will guide you through a highly personalised Self Transformation and Lifestyle Design Program.

This training will help you transform your limiting beliefs, chronic low self-worth, loneliness, depression, and other personal sabotage into freedom, self expression, and personal power that comes from true healing and awakening.


do you want to overcome any of these issues?


You cannot achieve

your goals consistently

Even after a long time of trying, it feels like you still haven't reached the level you want. Life feels like it's a roller coaster and you can't get off. It's like every step you take forward you take two back and one sideways.

You are overly analytical and stuck in your head

Your mind is constantly going, generating self criticism, or negative judgmental thoughts. This makes it basically impossible for you to relax, be present, enjoy life and interactions with other people especially women.

You have no control over your state

Your mood is completely unpredictable. You never know when you could go from being in a "Good State" to having a hurricane of turns descend upon you creating a "State Crash". The worst part is you cannot change it when you feel bad, no matter how hard you try.

You feel like you are unworthy and inadequate

No matter what you do there is an underlying feeling of doom and self doubt that creates constant chatter of failure in the back of your mind. There is also a constant tension in your body, a feeling that you are deserving or capable of what you desire.

You cannot authentically express yourself

You want to take action and go for what you want, but speaking your mind is impossible. The thought of people's judgment and criticism if they found out who you really are is terrifying. You are constantly afraid of social judgment, rejection and ending up as an outcast.

You are overwhelmed and confused about all the information out there

You are a theory-junkie. You've studied many different schools of thought, but somehow the more you learn the more confused you get about where you are and which direction you supposed to follow in your life and relationships.

You cannot show sexual intent and express your desire

You have a feelings of guilt, shame and fear around showing a woman your sexual intent and desire for her. this makes escalating physically or sexualising the conversation  something you've no idea how to carry through. 

You have hit a plateau in your development

It feels like you are stagnating. You are not progressing as fast as you used to and you cannot find the reason why. No matter how hard you try or how much material you consume your results don't increase. You are just spinning your wheels.

You are stuck in the past

Focus on the past stops you from being able to live and change in the present. Like trying to drive while looking in the rear view mirror, it's ineffective and dangerous. The past haunts you as it holds memories of things that “went wrong” and now also holds regret, shame or fear.

Negativity hijacks your life

You feel like a victim of circumstances, abuse, ridicule, alienation and rejection. Unless you are part of a lucky few that learn a positive approach to things, cynicism, nihilism, and negative judgment of self, others and the world can set in as your answer to how things are.

Fear rules your life

Fear takes you to the 'depths of hell' and holds you back from the things you want.  You want to be free but it rules your life, this is especially the case for when you don’t know how to connect with your true sense of inner confidence and resilience.

Pleasure escapes you

Pleasure in things like conversations, food, music, and beauty is a distraction from “more important things”. The beauty of love, nature and relationships is a secondary to meeting expectations and solving the challenges of life that constantly show up and subtly demand to be fixed and controlled.

If you recognise a few of these struggles, then NOW is the perfect time to take charge and start compounding your success with new mindsets and inner skills as well as dozens of new reference experiences that will help you overcome challenges like those listed above.

If you don't get a handle on these things, over time, things just get worse.

So what can you do?

Even with knowledge and some forms of therapy, many men's ability to enjoy everyday life diminishes over time! If you’re already feeling “over it” - like you wish someone would just wave a magic wand and make all these blocks go away, this training can help you.

It's time to make some changes

The perfect time to start was yesterday… but that's gone along with the  the many wasted days, months and years of not taking the initiative to make the change you needed. It's time to stop trying methods which have left you out of pocket and jumping from one distraction or responsibility to another to try and fill the inner void.

If you were to add up all the pain, heartache, failed relationships and inner struggle you’ve had over the years you could see the real cost of not getting these things sorted in your life.  With this in mind ask yourself... Have tormented yourself enough yet?

What's the future look like if you don't change? When is enough enough? And how much more painful experience and evidence do you need to convince yourself it is time to finally give yourself the gift of healing and deeper satisfaction?

If you’re ready to truly become a man of indisputable worth, you are in the right place.

if this is resonating with you I want to help you. Sign up below and we will get on a call with you to answer any questions about how we can can help you.


Destiny is not a matter of chance

It is a matter of choice, it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be claimed.

The time is now to change.

Awaken Your True Self

Join an exclusive brotherhood

Design your lifestyle

this sounds amazing - i want to apply

Your heroes journey awaits you


Become a powerful and authentic man with a plan

Imagine a training that supports you to become a present, powerful and authentic man in all the important areas of your life.

Create a healthy balance and purpose in your daily life

Experience not just a class, but an experiential journey into creating a healthy balance and purpose from the inside out.

Grow with like minded people

Learn how to regularly access empowered states of purpose, fulfillment, masculine embodiment and consciousness with other like-minded men that are working together to make their lives as kick-ass as possible.
Imagine all that while living in tropical paradise, feeling relaxed and being taken care of while simultaneously transforming your life along with a band of brothers supporting each other every step of the way.

This is not just a workshop, this is an integrative lifestyle experience to BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE!

The structure  of the training

The aim of the workshop is to give you a process and roadmap to feeling aligned with your best self so you are  alive and empowered as possible to go for what you want in life. This is not just about achieving and doing though. Its about a new way of BEING.
To achieve this we will be working with transformational healing techniques in conjunction with activation of the primary masculine archetypes



Awakening to your true self and authentic self-expression.


Embodiment, states of wholeness and physical confidence.


Integrative healing to clear blocks and self-sabotage and get you moving with new levels of confidence.


Feeling worthy and on mission, developing stronger habits and a solid sense of self mastery.


Having a brotherhood, belonging to a powerful group of transformational experts.


Initiating yourself into your adulthood as a capable and powerful man.
Tell me more


The first stage of the training will be a personalised healing and transformation week. We call these the alchemy days because they are are the times for you to do deep change work. This is important because it sets you up to be able to get the most out of the rest of the work shop as well as your life.  You will learn all you need to clean up deep traumas and self sabotage and make big leaps and bounds in your life across multiple domains.

This healing work will include the CLEAN SLATE model of clearing and healing your past, as well as upgrading and re-imprinting your subconscious for success.

You will also be guided through the C.O.D.E (Core, Orientation, Destiny, Engineering) process to give you a transformational map for true self awakening as well.

This is a revolutionary combination that will change your life. Speaking from experience of spending tens of thousands on trainings and healers, mentors and consultants I can tell you that this is the top shelf of personal transformation work.

THE Warrior

Following the healing work we will begin the archetypal exploration and activation.

First of the archetypes will be THE WARRIOR. When you activate your Warrior power you live with purpose and aligned to your mission and values. You are able to create the visions of your king (inner authority) effectively, and go for what you want to achieve your desires. In real life this can translate into you approaching a women, dealing with confronting situations or asserting your boundaries more naturally and effectively. When you activate the Warrior you go from a victim to a creator that lives with fire in his heart and intent in his purpose.

In the training you will be guided into meeting and activating the inner warrior and learning to use it to develop your masculine edge. A warrior man is someone who understands how to harness and direct his instinct to go after what he wants, even in the face of  fear is a man that can get shit done.

THE Lover

Next up is THE LOVER. The Lover's archetype is all about love, connection, expression and enjoyment.

In this phase of the training you learn to go from being a needy nice guy who is starving for others to love him to a man who is so full of an inner source of love that gives him an unconscious confidence and feeling of being complete, whole and content. You will also learn some powerful ways to be a badass in the bedroom and make connections like never before.

The drive and accomplishment from The King & The Warrior archetypes is dissatisfying and and empty without The Lover inside as well. Without this important aspect operating in a healthy way you will always be attempting to chase the next success to feel alive.  Without the ability to connect, enjoy and feel, accomplishment will feel like a fleeting thing.

When it comes to intimate relationships, The Lover is  connected, present, expressive and loves deeply. This is the type of man the feminine falls in love with over and over again. With a healthy internal lover you learn to trust, feel comfortable and fully embody your expression. You can embody healthy giving and receiving where love isn’t just a transaction instead it arises as an overflow from your already heart. 

We will cover all these topics and more in the days we work with the Lover.


THE King

In the middle of the process is THE KING. The King archetype is all about living from your own authority and integrity. The King is the sovereign in the middle of the other three archetypes. He commands and balances all the archetypes into a functional sense of self.

As a man that is in alignment with his inner king you will be confident because you know who you are. Being connected to your inner sovereignty gives you inner strength to live with pride as you are living inline alignment with your values which are your truths. A King lives by his own code.

when it comes to relationships The King is the rock, the type of man the feminine trusts, respects and admires. When you activate your King archetype you go from a timid low self worth guy, to a man who knows who he is, has confidence and is clear on his purpose. This kind of shift is not just about getting women though. This is about learning to trust and love yourself as well.

During the training you will learn to activate your inner King power and develop strong leadership qualities that would otherwise lay dormant inside you just waiting to wake up and allow you the choice to rule your world.


THE Magician

The last in the series is THE MAGICIAN. The Magicians power is all about wisdom, intuition, and intelligence. he is the last in the series because he is the map maker and reality shifter.

When you activate the The magicians power you will awaken the wise man within and connect to your inner guiding compass. This is the voice of your truth not the voice from your head. The head is the one which gets men into trouble. A man who hasn’t activated the Magician's power is disconnected from himself, has no self trust and therefore cannot make healthy decisions in life. He has been conditioned to make decisions for what everyone else wants and as a result he becomes weak, lost and powerless.

The magic ultimate power is developing the knowing of the heart and intuition in  connection with living in alignment with your truth.

The magician part of the training is all about learning to tap into your inner compass, learning to learn, and attune yourself to the truth before you teach. Only then you can become a mentor in your world and share your wisdom, special gifts, and powers to others. When you do this you will become powerful, charismatic, and influential beyond your current belief. It is absolutely needed and necessary to activate the Magician.

This is your time to Live your CALLING and create your new life.

Every moment you are alive is a potential gateway to living and creating. To do this takes awareness and training, not just mental and intellectual training, but training in feeling, being and directing true will with focus.


Unleash the Power of Your True Self
Check-in to accommodations: JANUARY 22nd after 2pm
23rd – 05th Feb 2024
Check Out:
6th at 11 am unless otherwise organized.

This Immersive Training will be held on the island of Koh Phangan in a series of locations including a private villa, on beautiful beaches, and in other training spaces for specific classes. More details will be given during the application process. 


The training team I have assembled includes an excellent assortment of specialists in fields like sexuality, fitness and embodiment, communication and more.

These super heroes include.

SHAE MATTHEWS - Head workshop facilitator and specialist in archetypes and male initiation.

JOHN KEEGAN - Communication and self-expression expert specialising in dating and connection.

PATRICK SCHIEG - Laptop lifestyle expert and productivity and planning guru.

This program is both a lifestyle design habit building workshop as well as an opportunity to focus and develop your personality, skills, mindsets and strategies.

The program is designed to be one big fully interactive, guided and supported lifestyle Transformation retreat.

Setting the stage for deep inner change and lifestyle design.

This will include assessments of your personality, goals, and values along with a plan to help you clear up traumas, collapse negative sabotage patterns, and build positive daily rituals that you will learn to maintain in your daily life.

Each day you will be coached and supported to create a powerful, positive and high vibrational lifestyle that includes suggested and optimal times for:

  • Waking up to, and getting into action with a healthy morning routine
  • Working out with exercise, stretch and movement.
  • Meditation and inner work to help you discover your true-self alignments.
  • Eating clean and healthy, consuming fresh foods.
  • Studying important life changing topics related to the work we are doing.
  • Working on things you love like your life plan, your business, your relationship blueprint and your lifestyle design.
  • Socialising and meeting new people especially beautiful women at the beaches and parties etc.
  • Relaxing, receiving body work, doing yoga, getting lots of positive attention and healing  and more.

Along with this very powerful baseline of positive daily habit building you will also be sequentially introduced to the four primary archetypes of the mature male psyche 2-3 days at a time so you can learn how to draw them into your life and integrate them in a healthy way.

The retreat has 5 phases or evolution's of training that reflect the development of the psyche.


Each day you will be taken through 3 x 2 hour lessons of learning new skills that span the archetypes of the Warrior, Lover, King, and Magician as well as doing clean up work to transform our sabotage and limiting beliefs into new energy and beliefs of confidence.

The first days will be dedicated to cleaning up the past and bringing you up to speed with the "Clean Slate Process' which is designed to collapse the biggest traumas in your past and set you free to create a new future for yourself.

the following days will be dedicated to the warrior, lover, king and magician as well as some integration days with time for QNA and making sure you get what you need to move ahead in your life.


Attendees will be accommodated in beautiful resort rooms close to the training areas.

Each participant will have their own double room space in a resort that has all modern facilities including access to food, pool, hot water, wifi etc. the exact rooms and resort locations will be assigned to you on deposit.

- Massage

- Yoga classes

- Amazing food

- Meditation classes

- Adventures around the islands

- Walking meditation

- Beach Trips

- Ecstatic dance

- Swimming in beautiful pools beaches with amazing views.

- Dinners and social events.

You will need to make your way to the island to arrive before the start of the retreat, checking into your room anytime after 2pm on the day before the retreat starts. 

The easiest way to reach Koh Phangan is to fly to Koh Samui (USM) airport and take the 20 min ferry to Koh Phangan. You can also fly to Surat Thani (URT) or NST airports, which are served by discount airlines, from these airports you can book a van and ferry combination to Phangan. Further the international airports of HKT and KBV also have van and ferry combination transport to Phangan.

Join the Thailand experience

I invite you to join me, and a powerful team of lifestyle design experts, along with a tribe of motivated brothers on this ground-breaking journey.


If you’re ready to make this year the turning point in your evolution, book in a call with me to discuss everything in detail or to book in your place. Spots are limited and selling fast so let me know if your interested ASAP.

Included In The Experience

  • All training & equipment
  • 16 nights accommodation
  • Ongoing Warrior brotherhood membership and support




To apply for this once-in-a-lifetime training, enter your details and we will be in contact with you about setting up a call to discuss details.


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